Monday, August 23, 2010



By providing lab facility to those who want it irrespective of whether he has passed msc or phd or not .............. allow lab and guide to undergrad student also [there r many undergrads with innovative idea but not being able to culture in want of a mere sds page appartus or 2or 3 mice ]

The technical--course students like MBBS and BE or b tech -- they get very low ....very .. to basic science lab facilities. Whatever is given , that are 4 BSc orMSc pupils

I insist it is not high quality instrument that is needed out always..

A simple mice or flow cytometer \ guide \ electrophoresing or chromatography or pcr are not very high tech instruments dat need great funding. Instrument are lying in dust in lab.s under bossy-supervisor who ud create 1000 harrasment before allowing u touch them .. Why i know giants in their field in my domicile city of them waste hours to talk over ramkrishna , the other over hrs,read newspaper and the 3rd spend much of time scolding undergraduates .... but when i requested 10min from them to hear and comment my proposal.............. they showed me to some assistant professor without even hearing a word fromMe.And one of them, literally drove me away with slang word .. when his assistant professor ATTEMPTED TO forward my proposal2him. Mind Mr, i did not request them fund, guide or instrumnt ..........i told them to hear..........and all these 3 people are head of their respective departments. As for some other ppl .......... i have found them helplessly groaning that the rules STOP any lab to allow an INDEPENDENT RESEARCH by an undergraduate. I agreed to fund my expt my self ......i told no one has to be my regular guide if they r busy .... but i do need the instrument and animal. Some were agreeing to give instrument but no one could agree on animal .........becos that needs a ethical certification and that z tough to get for an undergraduate 's research ........ unless it is beautified by name like ICMR-STS / KVPY

And as for doing work under the above 'beautiful' names..........

there r 2 problems.

The kvpy cover only 1st and 2 nd year student ............. but by the time a student learn hos subject n think independently ....he has reached the end of 2nd yr or may be 3rd yr;

And icmr or kvpy .. both expect a research that cover 2 month study!! What d hell inventive work can be done in 2 months ? relation between cigar and cancer? datz what they expect. If u apply for a inventive one, that ud take more than 2 month , then icmr sts shall reject