Sunday, April 18, 2010

Rhythmic shine [21-3-2003 }

The shining of victory is rhythmic .. it is there sometime and at other time , the shine is gone .. everything is dark..

THE RHYTHMIC SHINE [ 21-3-2003 }

When I am gone and no more on Earth

Finally blowing off all candles of my birth

Life shall move and no one shall care

That yet one more’s life cycle is over.

As smoke shall haze the air

And no more the wet eyes stare

At my dying funeral flame,

The Earth shall scarcely care .. deletion of yet another name.

Amid the haze shall be writ all memories

Amid the haze shall be spoken all the glorious stories ….

“All the tittles those I won , all the battles fought.

My defuncted spirit was how much crimson hot.

How much beloved was I , how much bonhomie,

How many endeavours were accomplished by me.

How they praised me , what respect;

What awe , fear and honour could I always expect.

How sweet I used to sing

When it was the yellow spring;

How would not I ever fear

Even the whitest of winter….

And how sudden did D Day did come to pass

When untimely Death my life did trespass

They would curse Death but finally accept the “fateful” day --

When amid tears and sobbing,their Hearts robbing ,I would go away.”

Yes I would go away evacuating all the well fought shrines,

The Earthly Halo would be no more there , but Heavenly halo shines..

“Fateful”? do I hear they to “Death” call ?

What rejuvenating eternal sleep,from all the earthly gall.

When I win , people applause and unwanted praise is mine,

And when mine is loss, they would be so gross and gone is the Rhythmic Shine.

And tears? and broken hearts ? they would never be the same..

The Earth would scarcely care,deletion of just one name.

And do not sigh , that all is gone to waste ,all that I won through strife,

‘Coz the Throne is always dynamic and that”s the way of life.





Saturday, April 17, 2010

To those youth who committed suicide to academic pressure

To those youth who committed suicide to academic pressure




Thy life lies motionless on the bed,

On thy face serenity unabated.

As who should say that thy head,

[Now resting a little tilted on a white pillow] made

Ingenious ideas that could thwart --

All thy rivals , however clever they wert.

Thy face is now the picture of peace profound.

Thy soul has completed another cycle round;

Of birth and death, on Earth and Heaven ,

A far way thee are gone , amid the constellations seven.

Far, far , leaving us behind,

Farther than where any mortal can find.

farther than the farthest of me to bring thee back;

I can only sob , die heart –broke and follow thy track.

“Wake up dear friend , prove wrong thy early end”

Fulfill this only prayer of each of thy friend.

But now I realize that it can never be –

Dark voids and memoirs shall take place of thee.

Thy eyes so curious , has closed so young;

So fresh are martyred , thy prospects strong.

In heaven above , in God”s love , there is no time;

no ‘Past’ , nor Future, only ‘Preset’ ‘s regime.

But ‘Past’ stabs us , here , on Earth

Thy memories sad ,creeps into all our mirth.

I know you would love to see my eyes merry and dry

To see me smile gay, I’m failing whatsoever I try.

Now that the coffin is nailed , now that it is lowered;

Now that the last chunk of soil is delivered --

I fight against it , whatsoever --

It deeply impresses me , thee are gone .. FOREVER

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

pathogenesis autoimmunity

Why does autoimmunity occur? In RHD,the antigenic epitope [against which anti streptococcus antibody and anti heart antibody are created after streptococcal pharyngitis } is always there in heart valve and is always exposed to APCs and lymphocytes. Then why suddenly antibody [ against heart] is produced only when this antigenic epitope is presented by streptcocci?

Immediately after antigenic stimuli, there is production of plasma cells that produce IgM [primary immune response] and 7-10day later , the mRNA [of these plasma cells } producing the IgM, undergoes splicing and the spliced mRNA now produces IgG [instead of IgM}[secondary immune response] . However the variable region [i.e. antigen binding site , Fv ] of these IgG remains same as that of the original IgM.

Now the plasma cells produced during primary immune response are monoclonal or almost monoclonal -- i.e. the antibodies [Ig M } produced by them have a unique paratope. I mean that these Ig M antibodies can bind to one specific antigen only -- and NOT to the other SIMILAR antigens. In eg of RHD , the plasma cells [ that are produced during primary immune response due to stimulation by say M-5 protein of streptococcus cell wall} can produce antibodies [obviously Ig M and NOT Ig G } that have the capability to bind to ONLY streptococcal M-5 protein ........ and neither to even streptococcal M-6 protein , nor to cardiac myosin Protein.

Now as time of about 7-10 days goes, two things happen-
[i] The plasma cells produce Ig G, instead of IgM [mechanism discussed already]

[ii] In these 7-10 days , the plasma cells undergo numerous cell divisions and with every cell division, there is the chance of a mutation in the DNA coding for that specific immunoglobulin. As a result of these mutations, m RNA also alters a bit, and the resultant Ig G molecule has a variable region [antigen binding site ..i.e. Fv } that is slightly different from the variable region of the original IgM. This process results in a polyclonal production of Ig G [ as opposed to the monoclonal nature of the initial Ig M molecules } that serve dual result—

[i] it protects body from the other antigenic mutant types of the attacking pathogen [like from streptococci bearing M-6 , M-8 etc and not only from those bearing M- 5]
[ii] it makes a chance that the antibody molecule may acquire a paratope against an epitope of a closely resembling host tissue . [e.g. cardiac myosin and streptococcal M protein]


 SURGICAL STRESS indeed can cause temporary AUTO ANTIBODY?? [upon polly matzinger hypothesis ]

I have found following proof in support of matzinger danger model hypo. that tells graft is rejected because of surgical ischaemia [ that cause lymphocyte to identify graft as a target } and not that graft is rejected beacuse it is foreign

 Disappearance of a Syndrome: Dressler's Syndrome in the Era of Thrombolysis
Amir Shahar, Hanoch Hod, Gabriel M. Barabash, Elieser Kaplinsky, Michael Motro

Emergency Department and Heart Institute, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

Address of Corresponding Author

Cardiology 1994;85:255-258 (DOI: 10.1159/000176683

• Postmyocardial infarction (Dressler's) syndrome: Report of a case with immunological and viral studies
American Heart Journal, Volume 91, Issue 2, Pages 233-239
H. Kennedy, S. Das

Chest 1985;87;186-190
J E Earis, E C Marcuson and A Bernstein
Complement activation after myocardialinfarction.

 Annals of Plastic Surgery
July 1993 - Volume 31 - Issue 1
Incidence of Autoimmune Disease in Patients after Breast Reconstruction with Silicone Gel Implants Versus Autogenous Tissue: A Preliminary Report
Schusterman, Mark A. MD; Kroll, Stephen S. MD; Reece, Gregory P. MD; Miller, Michael J. MD; Ainslie, Nancy RN; Halabi, Susan MPH; Balch, Charles M. MD

 Circulating heart-reactive antibodies in the postpericardiotomy syndrome
Journal of Surgical Research, Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 158-164
J. McCabe, P. Ebert, M. Engle, J. Zabriskie

 Development of autoimmune sensorineural hearing loss after endolymphatic sac decompression: two case reports
Ochoa VM, Weider DJ.
Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA
Otol Neurotol. 2003 Mar;24(2):279-82.

 Risk of Connective Tissue Disorders among Breast Implant Patients
Louise A. Brinton1, Lenore M. Buckley2, Olga
American Journal of Epidemiology
Copyright © 2004 by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
All rights reserved
Vol. 160, No. 7
Printed in U.S.A.
DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwh272

 Renal artery stenosis in the antiphospholipid (Hughes) syndrome and hypertension
Auteur(s) / Author(s)
SANGLE S. R. (1) ; D'CRUZ D. P. (1) ; JAN W. (2) ; KARIM M. Y. (1) ; KHAMASHTA M. A. (1) ; ABBS I. C. (3) ; HUGHES G. R. V

• Renal artery stenosis in the antiphospholipid(Hughes) syndrome and hypertension
S R Sangle, D P D'Cruz, W Jan, et al
Ann Rheum Dis 2003 62: 999-1002
doi: 10.1136/ard.62.10.999

Chinese Medical Journal, 2009, Vol. 122 No. 24 : 2961-2966
Development of sympathetic ophthalmia following globe injury
ZHANG Ying, ZHANG Mao-nian, JIANG Cai-hui, YAO Yi

• Anti-Myosin Humoral Immune Response Following Cardiac Injury
Authors: I. K. De Scheerder a; M. L. De Buyzere a; J. R. Delanghe b; D. L. Clementand a;R. J. Wieme b
Affiliations:a Departments of Cardiology, University Hospital, Ghen, Belgium
b Department of Clinical Chemistry, University Hospital, Ghen, Belgium
DOI: 10.3109/08916938909034359
Publication Frequency: 8 issues per year
Published in: journal Autoimmunity, Volume 4, Issue 1 & 2 September 1989 , pages 51 - 58